Home Insurance
There are two main types of insurance that should be considered in relation to your home, Contents and Buildings insurance (more details can be found below).

We arrange Insurance Cover for our properties against damage caused by incidents and accidents falling into different categories. The arrangements differ depending on the type of property and the type of tenancy agreement that is in place.
It is your responsibility to arrange insurance for your possessions and liabilities.
We arrange a Buildings Insurance policy for the main structure of your home but we do not arrange Household Contents Insurance for you. Contents policies are designed to complement the Buildings policy and can include options for additional cover and benefits such as legal advice or representation for common problems.
To protect you against your liabilities to us and for losses that you may otherwise suffer without cover, it is recommended that you obtain at least a basic Tenants Liability Insurance cover to provide you with peace of mind and financial security in case anything goes wrong. Although the cost might seem hard to justify or see the benefit of to some, especially if you have few possessions, this type of policy can provide far more help and assurance than just replacing physical possessions as well as peace of mind and financial security.