Get Involved
Putting customers at the very heart of everything we do and ensuring your voice is heard is central to ensuring that we deliver the services you want and expect.
Our involved customers represent the voice of all our customers to help influence and shape our services. Identifying what we do well and and making recommendations for improvement in areas where we could do better, is a key part of your role.

We are in the news!
The Housing Executive Magazine has shone a spotlight on our Strategic Customer Voice Model, which was developed to create an environment where you, our customers, can confidently share your views, question how we do things and ultimately hold us to account.
Read the full article on page 11 of the Housing Executive Magazine using the link below.
Making a difference by helping to improve services for all customers, is rewarding. Learning new skills, to add to existing skills you already have is a valuable, too!
Why get involved?
Whether you have a lot of time to give or a little we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved and for your voice to be heard both virtually and in person.
Getting involved brings many rewards: you can meet new people, learn new skills, and help us to improve the services you and our customers receive. To recognise your feedback and to thank you for the positive difference you make, we also offer you the opportunity to receive high street gift vouchers.
Find out more in the links below.

Involvement roles at a glance
Our Involved Customers 2022-23
Involved Customers
Customer Voice and Scrutiny Panel members
Customer Sounding Board members

We are recruiting!
We are on a mission to find customers to join our Customer Voice Panel to represent the diverse voice and views of all our customers.
As a member of our Customer Experience Panel, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring that our customers are at the heart of everything we do and that your customer voice is heard.
To find out more and register your interest, please use the link below.

Community Conversations
We are bringing more Community Conversations to your local neighbourhood.
Our Customer and community Engagement team will be out and about connecting with customers on a local level to raise awareness of how you can get involved, have your say and help us shape our future services.
Find out how you can take part by clicking on the link below.