Have your Say – Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Feedback from our customers is hugely important to us and to the housing sector as a whole. That’s why the Regulator for Social Housing has introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures, TSMs for short, in a bid to hold housing providers to account for their actions and give customers greater visibility of their performance.

We have published our 2023-24 Tenant Satisfaction Measures performance, and you can find them here.
2023-24 Tenant SatisfactionTSMs are performance measures, 22 in total, that all housing associations must report on in a bid to drive up standards for customers and give them a better understanding of how we are performing as a landlord and service provider.
The measures will give you, our customers, improved visibility and ability to hold us to account when things don’t go right. Results from every housing provider will be visible to everyone to view online, compare and question.
The 22 satisfaction measures are split into 2 parts. 10 performance measures, that we will collect through management performance information and 12 customer perception survey measures that will be collected through surveying our customers directly – this is where you come in! It’s a chance to have your say.
The TSMs cover the following key areas:
- Overall satisfaction
- Keeping properties in good order
- Maintaining building safety
- Respectful and helpful engagement
- Effective handling of complaints
- Responsible neighbourhood management
From April 2023 all housing providers must start to collect data around the 22 satisfaction measures, which includes surveying our customers.
From Summer 2024, this information must be reported to the Regulator for Social Housing to be made public.
To help us establish a clear baseline of these new measures and develop a clear action plan of possible areas that you feel that we need to improve we initially completed a pilot survey.
Our partners IFF Research will contact a random selection of customers via phone and email to collect their feedback for the 12 customer perception questions.
Just 10 minutes of your time will make a real difference to our services by providing us with the vital feedback we need to make improvements.
Please be reassured that the calls and emails from IFF Research are genuine.
They will only call you using this telephone number: 0203 148 7717
And from this email address: myresearch@voluntas.co.uk
If you’d like to find out more about IFF Research, please visit their website – www.iffresearch.com
All survey responses will be fed back to us, so we can report on our TSMs performance and use your feedback to improve the services that we provide.
We have published our 2023-24 Tenant Satisfaction Measures performance, and you can find them here.